Slowing Down in Meta Relationships

In polyamory, it’s not just about your multiple partners. Inevitably, if your partners also have other partners, you’re going to have metamours. “Metamour” or “meta” is the term for your partners’ other partners. Metamour relationships can end up being one of the most challenging parts of polyamory. After all, you didn’t choose your metamours but, even if you never meet, you’re sharing someone who’s important to both of you.

Drafting Relationship Expectations

Drafting Relationship Expectations

Each individual should know what their own boundaries and expectations are with the people they care about, but we often don’t think about these in explicit terms or use explicit language to communicate them.  Implied agreements lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications.  Direct communication can seem intimidating at first but is very rewarding once you become more comfortable with it.